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Connect with us on twitter. Connect with us on our tumblr blog. Our unique geothermal production method was first tried in 1753 and has since been carefully preserved in Iceland and Denmark. The savory and mystical Arctic Sea water is pumped into open pans where it is slowly heated with water from natural hot springs. This sustainable process leaves behind no carbon dioxide only fresh, crunchy flakes of Norður Sea Salt.
Gardar Stefansson
Gardar Stefansson
Grandagardi 16
Reykjavik, NA, 101
Connect with us on twitter. Connect with us on our tumblr blog. Our unique geothermal production method was first tried in 1753 and has since been carefully preserved in Iceland and Denmark. The savory and mystical Arctic Sea water is pumped into open pans where it is slowly heated with water from natural hot springs. This sustainable process leaves behind no carbon dioxide only fresh, crunchy flakes of Norður Sea Salt.
Hvalaskoðun og ævintýraferðir frá Húsavík. Markmið Norðursiglingar er að efla sjálfbæra ferðaþjónustu og fyrirtækið hefur lagt metnað sinn í að endurnýja og viðhalda gömlum, íslenskum eikarbátum. Norðursigling veitir gestum sínum einstakt tækifæri til að upplifa hina óviðjafnanlegu náttúru við Skjálfandaflóa. Hörður leiðir uppbyggingu Norðursiglingar á Hjalteyri. Siglingin til Tromsö gengur vel. Sigling Opal og Hildar .
Bienvenue sur le portail officiel de la République Fédérale de Norduryyk , nation virtuelle à simulation ludique au sein du MicroGlobe Francophone. Trouvez toutes les informations sur le pays et ses institutions. Suivre les derniers évènements survenus dans la nation. Suivez les nouvelles du pays et de ses citoyens. Federãl Republikk fragt Norduryyk 2005.